Pres. Obama half brother is linked to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and receives favors from the IRS

This article comes from, but if you google Malik Obama you find many more links.   WND EXCLUSIVE OBAMA’S BROTHER LINKED TO MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD Report says Malik directs radical Islamic movement’s investments Published: 3 days ago by JEROME R. CORSI Email | Archive Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many

Anti-U.S. Hostility Ramps Up in Egypt

I wonder if President Obama plans another apology tour for this … I read this in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal and it is published at … I think it might be of interest to you as well … By MARIA ABI-HABIB in Cairo and ADAM ENTOUS in Washington Amr Nabil/Associated PressOpponents of ousted President Mohammed

What the Media do Not Report: Egyptian Tanks at Sinai to Protect Stations that Export Gas to Israel

Isn’t that frustrating? We heard that the Egyptian revolution and the removal of Mubarak was a great thing, and everyone  welcomed the “Arabian Spring” … I never bought it and I have been traumatized to the idea the Muslim Brotherhood, that the Obama administration defined peaceful, might radicalized the region. I was also afraid, like