I wonder if President Obama plans another apology tour for this … I read this in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal and it is published at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323838204579000830652806204.html … I think it might be of interest to you as well … By MARIA ABI-HABIB in Cairo and ADAM ENTOUS in Washington Amr Nabil/Associated PressOpponents of ousted President Mohammed
Category: Hosni Mubarak
What the Media do Not Report: Egyptian Tanks at Sinai to Protect Stations that Export Gas to Israel
Isn’t that frustrating? We heard that the Egyptian revolution and the removal of Mubarak was a great thing, and everyone welcomed the “Arabian Spring” … I never bought it and I have been traumatized to the idea the Muslim Brotherhood, that the Obama administration defined peaceful, might radicalized the region. I was also afraid, like