Coordination – It protects your Private property Rights!

Pursuit of Happiness in Today’s United States: Dream or Reality? The Patriotic Answer of American Stewards of Liberty   Our Founding Fathers knew the human heart. They knew that with time, people tend to focus on and abuse of power like in Europe. They knew that rulers tend to redistribute power and money among their

Bills of Interest around the Country

Washington, D.C. White House and staffers of the House Judiciary Committee to meet early February to examine federal laws to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. HR 58 (Steve Scalise, LA) Firearms Interstate Commerce Reform Act, removes certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. HR 227 (Sheila Jackson Lee, TX) Child

A New and Proud American

Last month, I celebrated my seventh anniversary of becoming a U.S. citizen. On that glorious day, I had to recite the Oath of Allegiance and the Pledge of Allegiance. We ended the ceremony with singing the National Anthem.

That was a proud day for me and my family. Today, however, I’m reminded constantly of why I came to America. I wanted to be free and to own land where the government couldn’t take it away. But, I’m finding America is quickly turning away from her Constitution and our government is growing to be like those of Europe.

Senate Voting to Control Food Supply!

From our Friends American Stewards of Liberty. November 17, 2010 Harry Reid has forced a Vote on Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Act.  The vote invoked cloture, which limited debate to 30 hours total.  Twenty four Republicans voted with Reid.  All Reid needed was three-fifths (60 votes), but 24 Republicans already forgot how Americans voted

Habitat Conservation Plans: Danger Ahead

Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) are a method for the government to mediate with private property owners who are unfortunate enough to own land where an endangered species lives … which means about everywhere, if you count all those bugs, spiders, reptiles, birds, you name it on the Endangered Species list.

The EPA Ruling on … Dust??

The American Lung Association would like counties to pave roads and farmers to use no-till methods to grow their crops. In other words, a group who knows nothing about agriculture is telling agricultural producers how to cultivate and raise livestock. A representative for the Lung Assoc., Janice Nolen, dismisses the worries of farmers and ranchers by saying that they are alike the concerns of other industries when they faced EPA new regulations. And she adds “we have seen time and again where they were able to figure out a solution.” And at what a price lady?