Feeling weary? So did our Founders (for a little while)

Dear Country Patriots, Forming a new country against the most powerful empire in the world by obeying and following the Living God was not for the faint of hearts. During the Colonial period, our Founders suffered many grievances, all numbered in the Declaration of Independence, and suffered much by being turned between obedience to the

The Key to Real Change is found in our Founders’ Great Awakening.

In my European life I dreamed of becoming an American. I admired this Country’s individual strength, freedom, and courage, which was in sharp contrast with the Italian nanny state I was so used to. I loved America even more once I studied her history and learned what her backbone was made of.   Our Founders

God’s Country? Mystery priest prays and performs miracle at crash scene in Missouri, then disappears.

This story has been reported by several news organizations. This one was written by the New York Daily News by Joe Kemp on Thursday, August 8, 2013, 9:12 AM at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/god-country-mystery-priest-performs-miracle-missouri-crash-disappears-article-1.1421027 – jkemp@nydailynews.com, @joekemp May this story being a reminder to Whom we belong to, and Who formed and blessed our Country. The greatest, most marvelous patriotic act


Jun. 26, 2013 8:44am by Billy Hallowell Shaykh Abdullah Bin Bayya, an Islamic scholar who is the vice-president of an organization that supports Hamas and has controversial views on Israel, reportedly met with Obama administration officials at the White House this month. In a post published on the Muslim leader’s website on June 13, entitled, “White House Visit,”

Founders’ Corner – We Want Change … But Change From What?

Ronald Reagan described our Great Country as the City on the Hill, referring to the parable of The Salt and the Light in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mountain in Matthew 5:13-15. Our Savior told His listeners  “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made

2013 The Year of Courage

This article was first published on Exotic Wildlife, Winter issue. All rights reserved. This article is dedicated to the late Lewis Timberlake, my beloved Sunday School teacher and motivational speaker, visiting lecturer, and management consultant for many of this nation’s largest corporations. He was friend and engaged in public speaking with Paul Harvey, who called him