A Man of Integrity, Faith, Principles and Values!

Please meet Texas State Representative David Simpson, District 7. Please visit his blog at http://davidsimpson.com/index.php David Simpson is a man who believes in transparency telling readers about himself and how he votes. Most importantly he defends the principles sacred to our Constitution and protect us by keeping in check our own local government. He is not afraid to

New bill is introduced in Congress to facilitate Habitat Conservation Plans

Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced on April 14, 2011 a bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to establish a program to provide loans and loan guarantees to enable eligible public entities to acquire interests in real property that are in compliance with habitat conservation plans approved by the Secretary of the Interior under the

Urgent Message for Bexar, Medina, Bandera, Kerr, Kendall, Blanco, and Comal Counties and other Texas Patriots!

Please come prepared to the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting for the Southern Edward Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan (SEP HCP). The meeting will be held on             April 11, 2011 6:00 pm Scenic Loop Playground Club 18249 Sherwood Trail Grey Forest, TX 78023

Coordination – It protects your Private property Rights!

Pursuit of Happiness in Today’s United States: Dream or Reality? The Patriotic Answer of American Stewards of Liberty   Our Founding Fathers knew the human heart. They knew that with time, people tend to focus on and abuse of power like in Europe. They knew that rulers tend to redistribute power and money among their

Bills of Interest around the Country

Washington, D.C. White House and staffers of the House Judiciary Committee to meet early February to examine federal laws to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. HR 58 (Steve Scalise, LA) Firearms Interstate Commerce Reform Act, removes certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. HR 227 (Sheila Jackson Lee, TX) Child

Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program

Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program and HB 2760 and companion SB 1595 HB 2760 and identical companion SB 1595 have been filed. They relate to species-protection programs for the Edwards Aquifer, the Guadalupe River Basin, the San Antonio River Basin, and the San Antonio Bay and estuary system and they impose, with voters’ approval, a

A New and Proud American

Last month, I celebrated my seventh anniversary of becoming a U.S. citizen. On that glorious day, I had to recite the Oath of Allegiance and the Pledge of Allegiance. We ended the ceremony with singing the National Anthem.

That was a proud day for me and my family. Today, however, I’m reminded constantly of why I came to America. I wanted to be free and to own land where the government couldn’t take it away. But, I’m finding America is quickly turning away from her Constitution and our government is growing to be like those of Europe.