God Deliverance for America

Expect God’s deliverance! Expect God working in a marvelous way in each of your lives and, therefore, in the church and in our Country if we truly humble ourselves, seek His face, pause to listen to His voice, obey Him in all His ways, and wait on Him to keep His promises.

Are you willing, America? Are you willing to wait for the promise Keeper, the miracles Worker, the way Maker, the Light in the darkness? Are you walking by sight focusing your eyes on what you can see and the world shows you, or you walk by faith on what God sees, that you cannot see yet?

Great miracles happen on a “Sunday,” but not without the recipients walking through gloomy Saturday.

The disciples spent a Saturday in anguish, sadness, fear, and remorse after their saw their Friend and Son of the Living God dying on the cross the most horrific death.

But then there was Sunday, with the glory of resurrection, hope, a new life, and restoration.

The disciples spent day after day in prayer, in the upper room, waiting for the promise of the Living God to give them a Comforter, and then came the power and glory of Pentecost!

Mary and Martha had to see their brother Lazarus sick and dead, mourning him for four days, before Jesus came and ordered their brother out of the tomb. Alive!

And before Jesus resurrected him, He wept. And there were Judeans who said “See how He loved him!”  But other naysayers who rebutted “Couldn’t this One, Who opened the eyes of the blind man, have also kept this man from dying?”

To which group do you belong to? To which group do I belong to? The one who claims Jesus’ promises, God’s plans for good and not for evil for His children? Or the one that thinks God is not willing or capable, and criticizes Him all the time?

I know my flesh wants me to complain and ask God “why?”  But my soul rejoices and asks God “ how?” How are You going to fix this Heavenly Father? How are You glorifying Yourself in this situation? How can I honor You? What miracle are You going to work next? What Promise You keep next? How are You going to cast Your light and truth over the darkness and the lies of the present hour?

God is working, even when you do not feel it, Christian!

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children”. Father says in Hosea 4:6.

Do you lack knowledge, too? You don’t Christian! Cling to God, know He is your Father and LORD, Savior and Comforter, trust Him and expect Him to do great things in your life if you closely obey Him! Walk in the works He had created for you before He had laid the foundation of the world! Know that if you seek Him and love Him with all your heart He will bless you and not curse you! Know that His plans for you are for good and not for evil. And then spread the Word to your family, friends, coworkers, and America. Let His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as in Heaven in the Name of Jesus, that America may be transformed and renewed!!

And if you do not belong to Jesus, humble yourself on you knees, seek His face, confess your sins, and ask Him to forgive you and to save you, to enter in your heart and have a meal with you and fellowship with you. Ask Him to make you His as you want to make Him yours. Ask Him to redeem you with His precious Blood and, as He does, see unclean evil spirits being afraid of you and escape from you, instead of you being afraid of them and try to escape from them. But do it with a sincere and truthful heart and not out of convenience because He knows the difference!

Let’s go back to Him America, let’s humble ourselves, seek His Face, not His hands, let’s ask forgiveness for our Country’ sins, let’s repent and turn around, let’s obey Him in all His ways, and claim America back and truly make it great again. As Alexis de Tocqueville had once said “America is great because America is good. If America ever stops being good, it will stop being great.”

But only God is good. So be godly citizens of Heaven on earth. Obey Him and follow Him, be His ambassadors and proclaim and advance His Kingdom on earth, and in the process, America will flourish again.

In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

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