This article was first written in the Spring 2016 on the Exotic Wildlife, a magazine of the Exotic Wildlife Association. It has been lightly updated and revised.
The United States: The Story of Two Kingdoms and a Snake
Our land of the free and home of the brave lie in ruins, robbed daily by a government gone amok, anarchy, and the impotence and apathy of most people.
What is happening to us? How and why did our country change so much from our fathers, grandfathers, and our Founders?
The answer is found in the middle of the Nineteenth Century Europe. The grave words of our First President, George Washington, who cautioned his fellow citizens not to import education and ideas from Europe echo in my head. I wished our ancestors in the late 1800s yielded to his wisdom.
Our American Revolution was started a few decades before the first round was shot. Our Founders studied ancient manuscripts and literature from Aristotle and Plato, to Cicero, all the way to their contemporaries to find the best form of government. They came to the conclusion that governments and democracies were destined to commit suicide or turn into tyrannies. The only way to live freely was for people to govern themselves. Inspired also by the Great Awakening, they found the solution in the Judeo-Christian values as found in the Old and New Testaments.
Our Founders found in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob a righteous, just God, Creator of all things. They did not consider modern relativism. Authority and property come only from God. At creation, God gave Adam a law that required him to obey and gave him the capacity to obey. That law came from His nature and character. Obedience brought Adam life; disobedience death.
They believed that God created men and women in His own image and gave them many of His characteristics, including the ability to choose. He gave them the responsibility to procreate, raise, and educate their children. God created a world that is not short of resources and sustains everything. He is the ultimate Owner, but gave humans the responsibility to manage and control His creation. He gave them dominion over the land, animals, and all in it, to be passed on to their children like He passed it on to them.
Our Founders believed the best form of government would be a Constitutional Republic in which God Himself gives rights and authority to individuals. They in turn form a family, their church, and the state. The family, the unit of self-government that is the base of state government, is responsible for the education, the health, and the wellbeing of its members.
The state is responsible to make laws that respect those of God. The Ten Commandments are moral laws and they are summarized in the New Testament with “Love your God … and love your neighbor like yourself.” And “If you love Me keep My commandments.” Love is extended to the enemy as well. In Christianity, forgiveness is paramount. They believed the Biblical principle – the government should reward the righteous and punish the wicked.
While the first four of the Ten Commandments set the rules on how to relate to God, the last six set the rules on how individuals are to behave in relationship with each other. The fourth commandment is the first commandment with promise: “honor your mother and father, then you will live a long full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” All the others speak of negative acts toward your neighbor: do not commit murder (which Jesus elevated to do not even insult or get angry, but settle with your neighbor); do not commit adultery (not even lust in your mind); do not steal; do not lie; and do not covet other people’s property.
Our Founders believed the security of our government depends more on the quality of the people than on the leaders, and more on the quality of the leaders than the qualities of the laws. William Penn wrote “… through good laws good men do better; for good laws may lack good men, … but good men will never lack good laws, nor allow bad ones.”
The quality of leaders were so emphasized that the state constitutions included the profession of faith in order to take office. The Constitution of Delaware, for example, declared that statesmen before taking seat in the legislature, took this oath: “I do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ, His Holy Son, and in the Holy Ghost, one God, blessed forevermore, and I do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration.” Each state provided similar oaths.
Noah Webster wrote to students in his History of the United States, a textbook that was used in public schools for generations, “When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, just men who will rule in the fear of God. The preservation of [our] government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded … If government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.”
Our Founders gave us a republic (if we can keep it, warned Benjamin Franklin) and not a democracy. The main difference between the two is the source of authority. In a democracy people are the highest source of authority – if the majority of people decide that murder is no longer the crime, murder ceases to be a crime. Because the genuine source of correct Republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament, murder will always be a crime, for murder will be always a crime in the Word of God.
In the third chapter of the Biblical Genesis, the snake sneaked into the Garden of Eden and successfully tempted Adam and Eve. They chose to disobey God, and Satan conquered them and took the land and all its possession. Sadly, the snake sneaked into our Country and also caused it to gradually fall. He still deceives, kills, and destroys.
The snake came from Europe. A group of new philosophers came of age, among whom Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Charles Fourier. They believed man made God in his own image. They advocated for free love, and the destruction of the family and private property rights, transferring the ownership of property and means of production to the state. Socialism and its most extreme child, Communism, were born. The German communists in London, with whom Marx was associated, were so unusually dangerous for the state, the family, and the social order in general the Prussian and German Reich governments tried to silence them by drafting legislation in 1849, 1874, 1876 and 1894, but to no avail.
Fourier promoted the replacement of the monogamous marriage with a system allowing much greater latitude for sexual passions because he believed monogamy was contrary of human nature and was thus an impediment to human happiness. He also proposed that children be raised and educated communally, so society would be one, big, harmonious family rather than fractured into competitive, squabbling family units. Women would be so much better off because by giving up the children to the community they would not suffer the societal shame of being pregnant (neither abortion nor birth control pills were available in the 1800s) and would be able to keep enjoying their sexual freedom.
Marx believed the family, like God, was an invention of human beings for economic reasons. Marx and Engels, after they adopted a communist position in 1843-1844, which resulted in the Communist Manifesto a few years later, were unrelenting in their assault on the contemporary condition of the family. Both blamed the bourgeoisie and the capitalist system for the absence of the family among the poor, for the exploitation of children, for prostitution, and for the sexual exploitation of women and girls in the factories. They left no hope for the family to recovery from its deathbed.
While it was true that the Industrial Revolution caused the disruption of the working families, Marx and Engels refused any possibility to return to the traditional family values, as many contemporary politicians and individual advocated. Instead, the two philosophers opted to construct a new historicity of the family to tie the institution not to traditional moral and Christian values, but to the economy and private property.
Marx and Engels opined that in the earliest period of history humans engaged in sexual promiscuity allowing any man to have sexual access to any woman and vice versa. They also opined that no sexual taboos or prohibitions of any kind existed and even incest was acceptable. In this community, which the philosophers described natural and inherited from the animal kingdom, women were free and had the same rights and prerogatives as men.
This community must have not been successful because, apparently, incest eventually weakened it. Members of this community started developing the family in different stages. It is within the family that division of labor first surfaced and at the time of the domestication of animals, still according to Marx and Engels, women and children became the private property and slaves of men.
Marx accused the family to be the evil cause of both private ownership and Christianity. He accused the former to accumulate wealth to pass to the children; the later to seek and raise a pure form of mind instead of body. (Marx does not explain how children are transformed from slaves to heirs.)
The snake grew in the care of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. The Marxist movement fueled the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. From one day to the next private property and means of production were confiscated by the state. Lenin decreed the separation of church and state in early 1918 and deprived the former official church of its status of legal person, of the right to own property, or of teaching religion in state and private schools or anywhere youth gathered.
Between 1922 and 1992 between 12-20 million Christians were persecuted, killed, tortured, or sent to concentration camps; many churches were destroyed or confiscated. The communist government ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools. In a country that up to 1917 was a major exporter of grain, 5 million died of famine in just few years; 20 million died in the USSR during the communist reign and an estimated 160 million worldwide has died so far, in peacetime, because of Communism.
Socialism is a snake with multiple heads. In contrast to the cruelty in the USSR regime (and in China, North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, and in other parts in the world where communists, although not in power, have decimated thousands), London nourished a peaceful and gradual walk toward Communism offered by the Fabian Socialists.
The Fabian Society was born in England in 1884 with the purpose to advance the socialist revolution gradually rather than by revolution. They founded the Labour Party in 1900 and the London School of Economics in 1895. They claimed all they wanted to destroy was private property but not family nor religion. They failed to be convincing, however, as George Bernard Shaw, one of its early and most prominent members, once wrote that a married woman is a female slave and a “girl is a prisoner in the house and in the hands of her parents.”
The Fabians also believe that society would become more productive if competition was eliminated. They believe in big and powerful government whose goal is to make everything better and to control citizens from the cradle to the grave. They want to substitute religion with science and they wage war against independent thought. The Fabians also support the efforts of the state to raise and educate children. They even endorsed the Soviet and Nazi governments’ decision to brainwash children to act as witnesses against their own parents.
They wear down every excellence in society and obstruct friendships, especially those among the best people, on the principle that if they degrade everyone then people will submit and they can control their fate. They pride themselves to be wolves dressed in sheep clothes, which they display in their coat of arms.
They believed that individuals should be allowed to live only according to their ability to produce. George Bernard Shaw suggested in a video filmed on February 7, 1934 that everybody should appear in front of a properly appointed board every 5 or 7 years where they would be asked – “Dear Sir or Madam, would you please be kind enough to justify your existence?” If the individual could not justify his existence because he did not produce at least as much as he consumed, looking straight at the camera he went on saying, “then clearly we do not have any use … to keep you alive because your life does not benefit us.” He then said – “I appealed to the chemists to devise a new gas that would kill instantly and painlessly. Deadly by all means, but humane not cruel.”
After ten years such gas was produced. It is called Zyklon B. The man who oversaw its application at Auschwitz, Adolfs Eihmanis, testified how humane and successful Zyklon B has been to kill 1.1 million people.
Their early motto was “Educate, Agitate, Organize.” Does it sound familiar? Today, the Fabian Society counts 7,136 members, and counting.
So it is easy to understand how the United States of America has gradually fallen under the poison of socialism. The separation of church and state, originally meant solely to forbid government from corrupting the church, imposing a Christian denomination and a tax to finance it, has become a separation of God and State, and God has been kicked out of our school and public squares. Our children graduate from school more ignorant than ever. Excellence has been eliminated, history rewritten, hierarchy flattened, authority and respect for elders and police annihilated, sexual immorality, especially pornography, skyrocketed, and citizen statesmanship replaced by boasting egocentric politicians who shamefully lie. The traditional American family has been transformed into a quarreling and divided one whose divisive influence has now extended to groups, industries, state, and federal governments.
The Socialist snake has now grown into a dragon and it is conquering us at leaps and bounds. Like Adam in the garden, we let him in. We let him in our families, schools, universities, government, and churches. When the church entertain us and cuddles us in our sins, or change its belief to be a la page with the times, that church is infested, run for your life! Be aware of the snake in sheep clothing preaching from the pulpit, like Jesus warned us several times. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. We must discern them from their fruit.
In the second half on the nineteenth century, Colonel Robert Ingersoll, one of America’s first proud secular humanist, attacked the Judeo-Christian ethic in America explaining: “We are lying the foundation of the grand temple of the future … wherein … will be celebrated the religion of Humanity … We are looking for a time when … REASON, throned upon the world’s brain, shall be the king of kings and god of gods.” Are you celebrating yet?
One of the greatest vehicles used by the snake here at home is one of his most loyal disciples, Saul Alinsky, a Jewish American community organizer and writer. He is better known for his 1971 book Rules for Radicals, which he dedicates to Lucifer, as “the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he has won his own kingdom.”
Alinsky was a mentor and friend to Hillary Clinton until his death in 1972. She chose to write her senior thesis on his methods. President Barack Obama is also an Alinskyite and followed in his footsteps as a Chicago-based community organizer.
Alinsky, a true Marxist, blames the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. Similar to the Fabians, he sees the raise of Communism in stages: first a soft revolution to end capitalism, then reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the political paradise of communism. For him truth does not exist, but it is relative and constantly changing. He developed this idea from Antonio Gramsci, an Italian communist.
His book is mostly about methods to systematically bring down our society. To destroy the capitalistic society he urges his community organizers to bond with the have-nots by demonizing capitalism, businesses and the status quo. They do so in a simple way so that an issue can be easily grasped as a rally and battle cry. They denounce exploiting employers, slum landlords, police shakedowns, and gouging merchants (Fergusson, the latest protests after George Floyd’s death and Jacob Blake’s shooting, Antifa and Black Lives Matter come to mind).
Alinsky does not believe in love, but fear and power, which become the foundation of a new faith. Power he considers strength, while love a human frailty that people mistrust. He sneaks among the poor and uneducated like a dark evangelist taking advantage, by his own admission, of the gap left by Christians who profess but do not practice their beliefs.
He wants his organizers to become sensitive to everything that happens around them, always learning and looking for opportunities. Threat or crisis becomes almost a precondition to communicate anything and to polarize the population. He teaches them to fight enemies by ridiculing them and demonizing them.
He instructs his disciples to manipulate people by asking loaded questions until they obtain their sought for answers. He loves conflict, which he calls the essential core of a free and open society, and hates peace, particularly resenting the turn-the-other-cheek behavior. Altruism is just an American fairy tale and morality a relative continuum of self-interest shifts.
He wants to convince his targeted people that they are 100% right and their enemy 100% wrong. When it comes to negotiation, however, he is happy to settle for 10% knowing he has won more territory than he had before. And he repeats the tactic progressing each time toward his target.
The organizer must speak with power, but he forces the enemies to into political correctness, which Alinsky defines as “tongue trapping the mind,” trapping them in a position of weakness. He must also show himself competent, inspiring, and capable to produce change.
Because power is fueled by people and money, Alinsky wants corporations to abandon their neutrality to side with the have-nots. He also instructs his organizers to go after people and not institutions because people hurt faster than institutions.
He pressures the enemy and forces him to live up to their book of rules damaging their credibility and reputation. Organizers never address real issues, but they look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety, and uncertainty in the enemy, targeting them and isolating them from public sympathy. He pushes their agenda to exasperation, hoping in a possible violent reaction of the other side so he can then play victim and underdog to turn public sympathy to his cause.
Alinsky must have made Lucifer very proud.
Our Founders knew that we belong to either the Kingdom of the Prince of Light, or the Kingdom of the Prince of Darkness. We have only one choice to make: which Kingdom do we belong to or we want to live in. Because our own morality is not enough, do we profess, like William Penn and others did, to have “faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ, His Holy Son, and in the Holy Ghost?” Or we’d rather profess faith in man, self-interest, and control of others? Only after we make that choice, we can advance the interests of the kingdom we have chosen. Our Founding Fathers chose the Kingdom of the Prince of Light. They advanced its values, its principles, and behaved accordingly.
No, it is not a perfect story. They, like us, were still humans and fighting a sinful, fallen nature, but that is the choice they made, and how did that worked for America? She prospered and so did her people, with positive effect throughout the world.
Progressives and socialists follow the Prince of Darkness, they lie, they count on fear and power rather than love, forgiveness, justice, mercy, and grace. They are dividers and aim to destroy the family and through the family the nation and our American ideals and Christian beliefs.
This turtle represents the Progressive Movement – “slow as a turtle, little by little so people can barely detect movement – when it hits, it hits hard and will not let go – the enemy is done.”
Are you ready to engage in a righteous revolution? We must have a sudden and complete change morally and spiritually if we as a people are going to preserve the nation.
Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! Deuteronomy 30:19
God holds us accountable for our silence and apathy. He holds us accountable for professing our beliefs but not practicing them. He holds us accountable for sacrificing other people and people’s interests for our own rather than sacrifice ourselves to do the right thing for them. God hold us accountable for sacrificing Him on the altar of our convenience. God holds us accountable for our disobedience.
Let’s not look at Washington for a savior. The snake has conquered it already. After all, power over the nations is his preferred chip of bargain for a soul. He tempted even Jesus Christ with it.
The truth is what sets us free. Arm yourself with the Truth and knowledge, then witness and teach to your children, your spouse, your co-workers, even strangers before it is too late. Benjamin Franklin said that ignorance produces bondage: “A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.” Stand firm, fight the good fight, and don’t be intimidated by the snake. It is greater He who is in you than he who is in the world. Let’s choose life, loving and obeying the Giver of life, rather than following the giver of death. And then we will be surprised to discover that the beast has already been reduced to a paper snake, after all.
“Why are you living in luxurious houses while My house lies in ruins? This is what The Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: look at what is happening to you! You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but you are not satisfied. You drink but you are still thirsty. You put on clothes but you cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets full of holes!
This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: look at what’s happening to you! Now go up the hills, bring timberland rebuild my house.”Haggai 1:4-7
” … Be strong all you people still left in the land. And now get to work for I am with you says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Haggai 2:4
Our Father that are in Heaven, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, not ours, here on earth as in Heaven. In Your Holy and only Son’ Name I pray that we seek Your Face, follow and stand by You, obeying Your Word, and in love we educate our children and neighbors of Your will and of Your commandments. That we may honor the Messiah as our Savior and Lord in our hearts. I pray that we always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks us for a reason for the hope that is in us. I pray that we can use Your accurate teachings to encourage people and correct those who oppose the word by correcting, rebuking and encouraging them with great patience and careful instruction. (1 Peter 3:15; Titus 1:9; 2 Timothy 4:2). I pray that if anyone who reads this does not know Christ, that he or she may seek Him and ask Him to be his or her Savior, and I pray those who know Him that might seek a closer and faithful relationship with Him. I pray this in Jesus’s Holy and powerful Name above all names, Amen.
I Chose Freedom, by Victor Kravchenko
John Hagee Ministries – and
Engels Origin of the Family, private property, and the state, by Friedrich Engels
The German Ideology, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Ancient Society, by Lewis H. Morgan
The Capital, by Karl Marx
The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
God’s Blueprint for Life, Liberty, and Prosperity, by Stephen McDowell
Keys to Good Government, by David Barton
The Economy from a Biblical Perspective, by Stephen McDowell
Rendering to Caesar Things That Are God’s, by Stephen McDowell
John 14:15
Proverbs 29:2
Psalm 24:1-2
Col. 1:16-17
Prov. 13:22
2 Cor. 12:14
1 Timothy 1
1 Peter 2
Romans 13
Deuteronomy 30:15-17
Proverbs 1:7
Matthew 12:33
1 Corinthians 16:13
1 Timothy 6:12
1 John 4:4
Matthew 7:15-16