We are living in unprecedented times. Our flourishing country shutting down, together with the world, for a virus. Unlike many predictions, the COVID-19 has proved to be aggressive, but not much worse than a regular flu, which killed, in 2017 alone, some 70,000 people. Much data has been distorted either because of the difficulty of the task to gather it, because of the convenience to seek more funds, or because of mismanagement. And as usual, this great Country is again divided in two, those who see Covid as a way to control people and destroy our economy and our president, and those who fear the virus and are willing to do or undo anything in order to be safe and keep others safe. Regardless on how you feel about the issue, it is unprecedented.
Rioters organize nationally and internationally, devastate thousands of businesses and destroy livelihoods because of a law enforcement agent gone bad has killed a street criminal that he knew. No one condones the act, but do we condone the fallout? Many businesses, that opened with the saving and sacrifices of a lifetime, were burned to the ground with no hope for restoration and for no fault of their own. The owners lost it all because they did not have insurance, either because they canceled it in order to keep paying their employees during the COVID-19 shutdown, because the policy would not include riots, or because they could not afford it. Again, it is an unprecedented time in America.
Politicians and the federal and local levels in these lawlessness times call to defund the police, the only force that can keep you safe against the real threats of theft, rape, homicide, human trafficking and the like. They demoralize and threatens the men and women in blue, making them second guess whether to answer our call for help.
To add insult to injury, most media call the protest peaceful.
In the midst of this lawlessness and chaos, we must remember who is in control.
Who is like Him? “who has measured the waters in the palm of His hand, or measured the heaven with a span? Who can fathom the Spirit of God? Or instruct Him as His counselor? Who taught Him the path of justice or taught Him knowledge? … Behold the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and count as speck of dust on the scales. … He reduces princes to nothing. … Who is My equal, says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes and see! Who created these? … He is the eternal God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow tired or weary … He gives strength to the weary, and to one without vigor he adds might. … They who wait for God will renew their strength. They will soar up with wings of eagles. They will run, and not grow weary.” (Isaiah 40:12-31)
He is the One who says “For I Am ADONAI (the LORD) your God, who upholds your right hand who says to you: Fear not, I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13)
Why are we crying out aloud now? Is there no King within us? (Micah 4:9)
It is clear that the Kingdom of God is at war with the kingdom of evil. It is time to abandon our indifference, because we are caught up in the war. We have always been, but now is more evident than ever. Pandemic is evil, the one who is supposed to defend but suffocate a street criminal is evil, the violent destructive riots are evil, defunding the men and women who keep us safe because of exceptions to the rule is evil.
It is time to choose. The enemy lies, kills, destroys John 10:10). but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.(Galatians 5:22-23) Which side do you choose? We have kicked the Holy Spirit out of our schools and government buildings. Are we blind on the consequences?
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to Me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” (Hosea 4:6)
Let’s return to our Father and be back in His loving relationship. Here are His promises if we return to Him and join His heavenly army in the war here on earth:
- Therefore says ADONAI (The LORD): “if you return, I will restore you, you will stand before Me. If you extract the precious from the worthless, you will be as My mouth. Let them turn to you, but you must not turn to them. I will make you a fortified bronze wall to this people. They will fight against you, but will not prevail against you, for I AM with you to save you and deliver you.” It is a declaration of ADONAI (The LORD). “So I will deliver you out of the hands if the wicked, and I will redeem you out of the grasp of the ruthless.” (Jeremiah 15:19-21)
- Behold a King will reign in righteousness and princes will rule in justice. Each will be like a refuge from the wind and a shelter from the storm, like streams of water in a dry place, like the shade of a massive rock in a weary land. (Isa 32:1-2)
- Return to the One from whom rebellion is so deep … then [the enemy] will fall not by the sword of man … his rock will pass away because of fear, his princes will be afraid of the banner, it is a declaration from ADONAI (Isa 31:8)
- No longer will a fool be called able and a scoundrel said to be a gentleman (Isaiah 32:5)
- Until the Spirit is poured upon us from high, the result of righteousness will be peace and the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. (Isa 32:15-17)
- As you have believed, let it be done for you. Matthew 8:13.
Join with me the Spiritual Battle. Return to God, pray for repentance, pray for our wounded Nation, and be a beam of light in the darkness, pressing on to God, focusing on Him and not the waves that seem to overtake us. Reach out to those close to you. Under the banner of our God, we can be reunited again, and our differing points of view will be contributed to strengthen and improve our Country rather than destroy us.
God Bless you, protect you, and lead you in His wisdom, In Jesus’ Name. Amen.