Please come prepared to the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting for the Southern Edward Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan (SEP HCP).
The meeting will be held on April 11, 2011 6:00 pm
Scenic Loop Playground Club 18249 Sherwood Trail Grey Forest, TX 78023
You need to pack this meeting!!
They are deciding two very important things. First – whether to accept or reject their draft proposal. Second, they will decide if US Fish and TPWD should visit with all the counties to “explain” their program and tell them how it will be nothing but “voluntary.”
With Kirby Brown (Texas Wildlife Association) and Jonathan Letz (Kerr County Commissioner), they are likely to approve the plan. Please DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! The agencies and those who want the plan are so crippled that they are floundering.
We must respectfully tell TPWD Executive Director Carter Smith and those behind the plan that they have capitulated to the federal government and are facilitating their land use control over private property in our state. They need to be called on the carpet for this.
Then, alert the counties that this is now going to be crammed down their throats whether they want it or not and they should not stand for this one second. When the agencies go to their county meetings to speak, we need to pack their room with opposition.
Call the county commissioners from those counties that opted out to go to this CAC meeting and tell them they don’t want any federal or state agency to come to them to explain anything. They opted out and they’d better stay out of their county.
Let’s not count on anyone else but ourselves to throw the feds out of Texas! Tea Party members, 9-12 Project members, and Texas citizens come together and tell Washington, environmentalists, and animal rights defenders that we are not irrelevant!
AMENDED AGENDA * (see note below)
April 11, 2011 6:00 pm
Scenic Loop Playground Club 18249 Sherwood Trail
Grey Forest, TX 78023
Back-up materials for this meeting are posted on the SEPHCP project website at
Members of the biological Advisory Team (BAT) may attend, but no deliberation will occur and no action will be taken.
The Citizens Advisory Committee may discuss and take action on any agenda item listed below.
1. Call to order – Jonathan Letz or Kirby Brown (CAC Co-chairs)
2. Public comment (3 minutes per speaker)
3. Review and approval of draft minutes from the March 7, 2011 meeting – Jonathan Letz or Kirby Brown (CAC Co-chairs)
4. Review CAC charge and process, and committee review of draft SEP-HCP – Andy Winter (Bexar County)
5. Presentation of major components of the April 1, 2011 First Draft SEP-HCP – Amanda Aurora (Loomis Partners)
6. Accept or Reject the proposed “draft” model of the SEP-HCP – Jonathan Letz or Kirby Brown (CAC Co-chairs) [ITEM ADDED 0910, 4/8/2011 – ACW] *
7. Discuss member suggestion for USFWS and TPWD presentations to other counties – Jonathan Letz or Kirby Brown (CAC Co-chairs)
8. Announcements, next meeting, future meeting schedule, and requested agenda items – Jonathan Letz or Kirby Brown (CAC Co-chairs)
9. Adjourn – Jonathan Letz or Kirby Brown (CAC Co-chairs)
* NOTE: This agenda is amended from the posted agenda of 08:34, 4/8/2011
Backup Materials
a. b. c.
Draft minutes from March 7, 2011 meeting Charge to CAC Member suggestion for USFWS and TPWD presentations
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