Senate Voting to Control Food Supply!

From our Friends American Stewards of Liberty. November 17, 2010 Harry Reid has forced a Vote on Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Act.  The vote invoked cloture, which limited debate to 30 hours total.  Twenty four Republicans voted with Reid.  All Reid needed was three-fifths (60 votes), but 24 Republicans already forgot how Americans voted

Landowner groups urge groundwater conservation districts to reaffirm groundwater as a vested property right

AUSTIN, Texas  – A group of 13 Texas landowner associations and organizations sent a letter to each state groundwater conservation district urging them to adopt a resolution or similar statement recognizing that landowners have a vested ownership interest in groundwater beneath their property.

Habitat Conservation Plans: Danger Ahead

Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) are a method for the government to mediate with private property owners who are unfortunate enough to own land where an endangered species lives … which means about everywhere, if you count all those bugs, spiders, reptiles, birds, you name it on the Endangered Species list.